Thursday 18 May 2017

Senate Proposes Compulsory Health Insurance...

The Senate yesterday commenced the process of making health insurance compulsory for all in the country.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

World Hypertension Day: Keep your blood pressure under check. We tell you how

1.   Blood pressure is measured as two numbers, written one over the other and recorded in millimetres of mercury – for example, 120/78 mm Hg.

2.   The top (higher) number is the systolic pressure – the pressure in the arteries as the heart is contracting – and the bottom (lower) number is the diastolic pressure – the pressure in the arteries when the heart is relaxed between beats.

3.   High blood pressure is defined as a repeatedly elevated systolic pressure of 140 or higher OR a diastolic pressure of 90 or higher.

4.   Globally, nearly one billion people have high blood pressure (hypertension); of these, two-thirds are in developing countries.

5.   Hypertension is one of the most important causes of premature death worldwide and the problem is growing; in 2025, an estimated 1.56 billion adults will be living with hypertension.

6.    Hypertension is the leading cause of Cardiovascular disease #CVD# worldwide.

7.    Hypertension kills 8 million people every year worldwide and is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, foetal and maternal death in pregnancy, dementia and renal failure.

8.    People with hypertension are more likely to develop complications of diabetes.

9.    Elevated blood pressure in people less than 50 years old is associated with an increased cardiovascular risk. As you get older, your systolic blood becomes a more important predictor of the risk of cardiovascular disease.

10.    Although increasing blood pressure is part of aging, a healthy low salt diet, physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of this happening.

11.    Lifting weights can cause your blood pressure to rise. While exercises to lower blood pressure are an important part of heart health, the type of exercise you do is also a factor. The most common cause for high blood pressure with exercise is isometric activity. Straining or excessive weights will cause blood pressure to rise. If you’re finding that happens to you, cut back on the weight program and use far less weight but more repetitions, and remember to breathe throughout the exercise.

12.    Dietary salt is a significant factor in raising blood pressure in people with hypertension and in some people with normal blood pressure. If you are already overweight then a high intake of salt increases your risk of cardiovascular disease

13.    Potassium is critical for healthy blood pressure. If your blood pressure is high, it’s important to eat foods rich in potassium . That’s because potassium helps to relax the arterial walls and keep blood pressure in the healthy range. Good high potassium foods that lower blood pressure include eggplant, squash, bananas, coconut water, and baked potatoes.

14.    High blood pressure is especially concerning during the late stages of pregnancy . If untreated, it can cause harm to the child and mother.

15.    Blood pressure increases with age . Men have a greater risk of high blood pressure than women until age 45. From age 45–54, the percentages of men and women are similar. After age 55, women are more likely to develop high blood pressure than men are.

High blood pressure is called the “silent killer" because it often has no warning signs or symptoms, and many people do not realize they have it; that is why it's important to get blood pressure checked regularly.

This information is provided by the Division of Prevention and Wellness within the Department of Public Health

Tuesday 16 May 2017

5 Contact Lens Mistakes That Can Damage Your Eyes

The switch from glasses to contact lenses comes with several perks, such as having clear peripheral vision. However, unlike glasses, you can't easily slide them on and off, or throw them on the bedside table at night before you sleep; they require proper care. The single best way to prevent eye infections is to avoid the most common mistakes contact lens users make, from sleeping in them to wearing them past their expiration date.

Monday 15 May 2017

Hypertension is a silent killer ‘know your numbers.’

In the early stage one of hypertension with blood pressure 140 to 159/90 to 99mmHg, most patients experience no symptoms and likewise, no signs are elicited by the doctor. Ahead of World Hypertension Day, coming up on Wednesday, May 17 2017, Dr Ademola Orolu, a Consultant family physician spoke to PAUL ADUNWOKE on treatments, preventions and management of the disease.
What is hypertension?
Hypertension is a state of persistent or repeated elevation of the blood pressure at 140/90mmHg or above this. Blood pressure in normal individuals should be 120/80mmHg. In between having a normal blood pressure and being hypertensive is a stage of pre-hypertension in which repeated blood pressure values are in the range of between 120 to139/80 to 89mmHg.
Therefore, it means that if individuals have good health seeking attitude, they may be identified in the pre-hypertensive stage, when lifestyle modifications can prevent progression to hypertension. Being hypertensive means the pressure of blood in the vessels is elevated. Hence, the heart pumps against high pressures in  arteries. The body would try to adapt to this blood pressure elevation, until deleterious changes begin to occur, especially in the heart, brain, kidneys, the blood vessels themselves, and the eyes.
When these changes occur, some individuals may develop symptoms, which necessitate them to consult a doctor. Prior to these untoward changes, hypertension, known as Silent Killer, may go undetected.
Theme of this year is ‘know your numbers.’

What does this mean?
The negative impact of hypertension on the organs is proportional to the extent of elevation of the blood pressure. An individual with a blood pressure of 146/92mmHg is “relatively healthier,” when compared to another with a value of 186/120mmHg. The higher the blood pressure, the more work the heart does, the more damage to vital organs bearing the burden of these high pressures. Therefore, everyone needs to check their blood pressure numbers regularly to be assured of good health.

What are the causes of hypertension?
In broad classification, regarding the cause, hypertension can be divided into essential hypertension, which has no definite cause or secondary hypertension, which results from diseases of other organs of the body, such as Kidney, thyroid found in the neck and adrenal gland, which sits on each kidney, among others. Other secondary causes of hypertension include, habitual use of illicit drugs, such as cocaine and amphetamine, among others.
Essential hypertension is commoner in older persons. Meanwhile, in young individuals less than 40 years, secondary causes of hypertension are searched for in evaluation of the patient. When identified, these secondary causes must be treated along with general treatment of hypertension. Irrespective of the cause of hypertension, there are risk factors, which when combined, increase the probability of an individual developing hypertension. These include increasing age, being of black origin, male gender, family history of hypertension, poor activity or inactivity, stress, obesity, excessive salt intake, smoking and excessive alcohol intake.

What are the symptoms and signs of hypertension?
In the early stage one of hypertension with blood pressure 140 to 159/90 to 99mmHg, most patients experience no symptoms and likewise, no signs are elicited by the doctor. At higher values of blood pressure, however, due to the effect on the vital organs earlier mentioned, some patients may experience myriad of symptoms, including, but not limited to, fatigue, difficulty with breathing, headache, poor sleep, swollen feet, change in urinary habit, and poor vision. At very elevated values, hypertension increases the risk of having stroke, heart failure, kidney failure and visual impairment. The emphasis, therefore, is on the fact that individuals should not wait to experience these symptoms before they begin to manage their hypertension.

What are the next steps in case of symptoms and what are the possible treatments of hypertension?
Generally speaking, individuals should consult their doctors, when they experience any symptom at all and not only when hypertensive. Regarding hypertension, the clinician would evaluate the symptoms the individual experiences and also examines him/her to identify any effect of hypertension on the organs. Appropriate investigations are ordered to detect damage to organs like the heart, kidneys, and eyes as a result of the high blood pressure.

In addition, some diseases, which include diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia elevated blood fat may also be present in the individual. These are also screened for. All these are done in the work up to definitive management of patient so as to individualise treatment.

Lifestyle modifications, including health education on moderation of habits, stress reduction, dietary adjustment and aerobic exercises are important in the management of every hypertensive patient.
Thirty minutes of moderate exercises, brisk walking, jogging, cycling, tread mill exercise, swimming not less than five days of the week, moderate salt intake, moderate alcohol intake if at all, avoidance of smoking, low consumption of saturated fat, replacement of red meat beef, mutton, chevron with white meat fish and skinned poultry, boiled or grilled are the essentials of lifestyle treatment of hypertension. These measures must be done in combination to achieve result. If these do not control the blood pressure, the patients are advised to commence use of medications, while they still continue the lifestyle measure. If the blood pressure is highly elevated and effect of hypertension on the vital organs is detected, medication is commenced immediately, in addition to lifestyle control.

Follow up in the clinic is essential to confirm improvement and challenges with treatment, which can be easily addressed. Most patients default in follow-up, due to the wrong belief that once the blood pressure normalises, it means cure. Unlike malaria or other acute infections, hypertension has no permanent cure. Lifestyle modification is a lifelong approach to management of hypertension with or without medication.
Of the risk factors listed above, a few cannot be modified, such as black origin, male gender, increasing age, and family history. Therefore, every individual is at risk of hypertension. However, the remaining risk factors of salt intake, smoking, alcohol consumption, inactivity and stress, are all modifiable. Once an individual adequately controls these modifiable risk factors of hypertension, prevention is almost possible.

Hypertension is a silent killer. This means individuals do not manifest any evidence of the disease in the early stage and even in cases of very elevated blood pressures, some individuals may feel apparently well, until catastrophe occurs. Emphasis is on prevention with lifestyle modification. For the asymptomatic hypertensive patients, regular medical check will help discover hypertension in its early stage, when intensive lifestyle adjustment may suffice. 

Every advice from the doctor and other health personnel should be strictly adhered to, if hypertension would be put in check. A stitch in time saves nine.

By Paul Adunwoke, Guardian

Sunday 14 May 2017

Is Your Excessive Sweating Caused by a Medical Problem Or just the way you're made? Find out more...

Hyperhidrosis, also known as polyhidrosis or sudorrhea, is a condition characterized by excessive sweating. The sweating can affect just one specific area or the whole body.
Although not life-threatening, it can be uncomfortable and cause embarrassment and psychological trauma.

Why do some men go bald ? Is male pattern baldness treatable?

Male pattern baldness describes the common loss of hair on the scalp in men. Known as androgenetic alopecia, male-pattern baldness is a result of changing hormone levels over the course of a man's life.

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Immunizations For Children: What You Need To Know...

Immunizations are designed to protect against serious illnesses ranging from polio and tetanus to measles, mumps, and the seasonal flu. Many people consider them the most important part of well-child checkups.

7 Liitle Known Facts About Sperm For Men's Health

We all know when a man ejaculates during sex he releases millions and millions of sperm. Although these “sexy swimmers” come in high numbers, only a single sperm can successfully go upstream and fertilize an egg — and there is more to a man’s sperm than just fertilizing the egg to form a fetus.

Common Antibiotics Linked with Miscarriage in Early Pregnancy

A study of pregnant women shows some commonly prescribed classes of antibiotics to be associated with up to a twofold increase in risk of miscarriage before 20 weeks.

Tuesday 9 May 2017

» Health Minister Visits 82 Freed Chibok Girls Receiving Hospital Care

The Minister of Health, Isaac Adewole, has assured the newly freed Chibok schoolgirls of the commitment of the federal government to their health and well-being.

NAFDAC Destroys N30bn Counterfeit Drugs

The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has destroyed fake drugs and other regulated products worth N30 billion in the last three years, Director General of the agency, Yetunde Oni said.

FG Bans Chloroquine, Artemisinin Monotherapy

The Minister of Health, Prof. Isaac Adewole, has announced the ban on chloroquine and artemisinin monotherapy used in the treatment of malaria.

Gunmen kill Female Medical Doctor in Rivers

A medical doctor, Dr. Florence Onua, has been shot dead by gunmen around Government Area in Port Harcourt, the capital of Rivers State.

Nursing Vacancies at ECOWAS

ECOWAS Parliament was established by the ECOWAS Revised Treaty of 1993 as one of the Institutions of the Community. The Parliament is the Assembly of the peoples of the Community.