Wednesday 11 January 2017

Doctor Develops Vaccine Against Common Cold

A doctor has recently registered a patent for a vaccination against common cold-a condition which doctors around the world have long thought couldn’t have a medicinal cure.

The doctor behind the vaccination is Rudolf Valenta who is an allergy expert at the Medical University of Vienna. According to him the immune system of the body has the propensity to attack the rhinovirus’ center- far from the most effective way to fight a common cold.

The doctor’s idea was to concentrate instead on the virus’ shell which facilitates the infection by attaching itself to mucous membranes in the throat, nasal passages, stomach and the mouth.

The vaccine that Professor Valenta along with his team has developed encourages the body to evolve defenses against the exterior part of the rhinovirus.

However, it’s been said that it may take some time-how much time is unclear-before the vaccine would reach the public.

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